Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Precious-Autumn

Since this in my very first entry for Baby & Mommy, i will start of with a simple introduction for my precious-Autumn...
February 2008- We were ready, and were waiting for the arrival of our precious baby. I had a feeling. I tested. and truly i was conceived. I had complications, lower part of my stomach was always aching. I was working and doctor gave me 1 week's sick leave.
I love my baby and i did not want to loose her, so i quit my favourite job- Marketing Executive of KFC. So, i could rest more and really take good care of myself. I slept a lot, rested a lot, had proper and nutritious meals.
My baby Autumn finally arrived on 19th November 2008, at 4.50pm, at KPJ Kuching Specialist, Stutong. It was a succesful c-section by Dr. Philip Kho.

I could remember clearly how joyful i was, that very moment i saw her when the nurse pushed her to my room. My precious little Autumn, mommy had finally brought you to this world, i would love you whole-heartedly and give you the best that i could afford.. She is, whom i lived for today...

She is now 15 months old, able to say out all the simple body parts:
"mouth, eyes, nose, teeth, ears, hair hands, legs"
She stuck out her tongue whenever i said:"Tongue!"
Other than that, she had started to pronounce and greet all our family members right after her birthday!! Uncle, Antie, Gu-gu (it means daddy's sister), Jiu-Jiu (mommy's brother), yi-yi (mommy's sister), Shuk-shuk (daddy's brother), Gong-gong (grandfather), ye-ye (also grandfather), po-po (grandmother), Kakak (mommy or daddy's bumiputera friends), teacher, etc...
I shall have a special post regarding all this greetings and introducing people to your baby...

Try it and you will be amazed how fast they can learn!!

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