Saturday, April 3, 2010

My baby wants to "play"

Last week when i picked Autumn from school, she would hold my hand and led me towards the side.
"Mommy, play.. play..."

At first i was kinda blurred and wondered where was she dragging me...
Oh, she wanted to play with me...
Yea, my girl is starting to enjoy playing certain things..

See... She went on climbing up....

The teacher was worried..

Hehe... I see you....

Trying to climb through the hole..

Trying to climb through the glidder
 "I want to do jumping exercise!!"

After one round of playing all those....  then only she was satisfied to go home...

I normally let her try to explore things, playing is a fun and easy way to learn!! (provided if i am not in a rush!)
You can say all the verbs or nouns and explain to her while she is doing certain actions or touching certain things... She can pick up really fast when she is in a happy mood....

1 comment:

  1. Hi! If you're reading this... please leave some comments~ let me know what would u like to read about babies... thanks!!
